About Us
Welcome to Army Navy Air Force Veterans In Canada (ANAF), a not-for-profit organization. Our Unit #365 is located at 52 Morrow Rd., Barrie, Ont.
The ANAF objectives are to provide assistance and support to veterans and their families, to members of the Canadian Armed Forces, and to our community. We also visit hospitals, financially support many local and national charities, youth programs and community services and activities.
Sports are an important function of our club. We have several dart boards and both competitive league darts and fun darts. New players always welcome. We also host Linedancing, and Salsa dancing.
We offer live entertainment on some Friday or Saurday nights; check our calender for scheduled events.
Do you have a band? Interested in booking with us? Contact the Entertainment Chair.
Upstairs Hall rental with optional bar service is available for your private or public functions. Please visit our Hall Rentals pages for more details on this hall, and our Club Room and Party/Meeting Room.
The Club Room (Downstairs) is open to non-members daily during current business hours as published on the "home" page. (hpours are subject to change). Feel free to drop in, enjoy a cold drink, coffee or hot chocolate and experience our wonderful club.
Enjoy some of your favourite sporting events on our 2 Big Screen TVs!
ANAF UNIT#365 is located at 52 Morrow Road, Barrie, Ontario, L4N 3V8, Canada
Phone: 705 728 6224; Email: anafbarrie365@gmail.com
"Where Friends Meet!"